Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bad Day

I hate writing blogs like this, but I guess that every once and a while bad days happen.

I haven't had the best weekend.

Abby is feeling a lot better, though, and we've had a relaxing weekend, if anything. I don't have the flu, and it doesn't seem like I will get it now, what with all of the active flu prevention I have been doing over the last few days. I think at this point that flu virus would have many easier targets than me. (So rawr, flu virus! Take that.)

I wear glasses to see distances, and usually don't wear them on the weekends, since I don't need them to see boards or notes or screens. But last night I got an awful headache, likely from eye strain, so I sat in my dark room, read a book for a few hours (I understand that reading would probably add to the eye strain, but it's better than a bright tv... and it was a good book), and made angry faces through my window at our neighbors downstairs, who love to invite friends over who are loud, have loud cars, or have loud stereos in their loud cars. As per usual, I woke up headache free in the morning, but just to be on the safe side, I wore my glasses all day...

Which turned out to be a bad idea. I wore my glasses and found that, because of wearing my glasses, I have a muscle headache. What must have added to this headache is that my bike was stolen this weekend.

Right from under my nose (well, balcony), somebody stole my bike. It was locked up, it was there on Friday... but sometime between Friday night and this afternoon, no more bike.

It's not like I need the bike to get around - I have got a car - but I do enjoy that bike. It's a lot faster than walking to the campus, and I love the fact that I can speed right through that parking lot that seems to just get bigger every time I see it. I guess that what I feel is that it's more of an irritation that of the hundreds of bikes around this apartment complex mine gets stolen. The 8+ year old bike whose tires have never been replaced and who hasn't ever seen much love, since I left it in the garage for most of my teenage years. Why me?

I talked to the campus police, reported the theft, and now what I am left with is no bike and another massive headache.

I need chocolate. And a giant hug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs coming your way from me!!
Luv Mama