Thursday, January 29, 2009

It keeps getting better

Still no bike, but I had the most fantastic day today! There's too much to make a big, connected blog, so I guess I'll just share my day in little snippits.

My French class went from 30 people last semester down to 13 this semester, (a lot of people transferred to the other teacher.) The only reason I see this is good is that as we start getting into more difficult stuff, I get more personal attention. For example, I was able to ask my question that I've been harboring for months about the pronunciation of double l's. Sometimes it's like "elle" and sometimes it's like "y" and I FINALLY got my answer. (With a few exceptions, it's a y sound after an 'i'. So viella sounds like "vee-ay-ah".) Aside from my question finally being answered, the professor had me read a rather long passage aloud, and then complimented me on my great French accent. I practically floated out of that class.

So I wasn't entirely honest with y'all about my article in last week's paper. I was on the front page, yes, but there was a rather terrible misprint on the "continued on page 3" part... where they reprinted the first half of the article again, instead of the second half! I blogged about how happy I was - because I really was happy and honored and all of those other wonderful little fuzzy feelings, but it was a little bittersweet. I really did think that my lil article would not see the light of day in it's full form... but I received a pleasant surprise this morning when I picked up the Paisano and saw my article, fully printed on page 5. Hooray!

I posted a chapter of my latest Fanfiction story this afternoon, and I got a review for it this evening! I've been posting once a week for a month now and only received two reviews so far... it makes me a little sad (in comparison, my story of 4 years ago currently has almost 300 reviews), but I love every review that comes into my inbox. It's like a little piece of bottled up sunshine, I'm not even kidding. (I was talking to Siobhan about this the other day, and she blames the slow business as a lull in the fandom. She's probably right... It has been five years since the last film was released. I wait in eagerness for 2011, when the Hobbit comes out. Plenty of reviews for me then!) (Right then, when I realized that it had been five years since the movies had come out I had an "Oh god, I feel old" moment, which probably shouldn't be happening for a good few more years.)

I made grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. 'Nuff said.

During my Astronomy class, I played my 800th game of Solitaire on this computer! (We were talking about the sun... and while I love the class, I haven't really learned anything new yet. So, Solitaire and Hearts for me!)

That said, I finally figured out how to play Hearts over the last few weeks. Haven't won a single game yet, but at least I'm not getting fourth anymore.

Duncan has this remote-computer-control website that he uses to fix computers when he can't actually be physically there fixing computers. He logged onto me today, and made me smile. He didn't do anything like mess with settings or 'ghost type' anything in notepad... but it was still kind of funny to realize that he was there.

I (finally) remembered that I have a Twitter account, and made it so you can see my Tweets over there in the sidebar. (Twitter, for all y'all who don't know, is a sort of "mini blog" where you type in what you are doing in 140 characters or less.)

I think that I finally know how to spell 'definitely'. It's always been one of those words that I consistently misspell, and I haven't misspelled it in a week or two now. Perhaps I am cured! (Brandlyn, take heed. You, too, and learn to spell right.)

Well, it is 1am now and while I love blogging about my wonderful day, I do have to go to bed sometime. (And I can sleep late tomorrow morning! Hooray for 12:30 classes!)

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