Friday, August 29, 2008

En garde!

One of the pieces of advice that I was given many times before I left to go to college, was to join as many clubs, groups, and organizations as I possibly could... and then narrow it down to three to continue with.

So far, I've joined just one. But it's REALLY COOL.

Tonight I went to the first fencing club meeting.

Fencing! Seriously! Like with foils, funny bee-keeper-lookin masks, and white costumes and everything. Tonight I spent 3 hours learning how to fence. Proper stances, parries, and other such things... But I can definitely feel my legs and butt muscles right now in a way that I haven't in a long time. (Ooooh those muscles huuuurt!)

I expected them to give us an intro to stances and maybe show us the foils and then send us on our merry way... but no. They taught us for about 2 hours and then said "Had enough yet?" And when they got 15 solid "No"s from everyone in the class, they suited us up and said "Go." Which rocked. You learn so much more from actually participating and trying to apply the rules (but breaking most of them anyway.)

But what surprised me most was that it seems to be something that I could actually pick up and do well in. Because of taking Tae Kwon Do for so many years, I have the balance thing down (and many of the stances are similar to those in TKD) and while I know that it would take a lot of effort to become really good at it, it seems like I could totally do it.

So I'm going to enjoy my night and sleep late tomorrow. Tomorrow is cleaning day... and then I'll drive home and mooch about in Austin for the weekend. :) Yay!

(Ooooow... my legs.)

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