Thursday, August 7, 2008

Two more days of London

Today I will blog about today and yesterday. I know. It blows your mind, right? How could Siobhan and I have fit anything else into our schedules, what with all the coffee-drinking, musical-going, and general wandering-around-ness that we accomplished? Well we did. We went to Madame Tussaud's wax museum! I won't show you all of the photos, but have a looksie at some of our favorites!! (Siobhan said 'Take me to your leader'. There he is on the left. Hahaha.)

Oh, Leonardo...


And last but not least, Orlando Bloom. Ahhh...

Yesterday I left Siobhan's humble abode in North Harrow and made my way into Hampstead, which is a fantastic neighborhood. The tube station is just a five minute walk up the road and I spent the day doing a few things that I wanted to do, but didn't get around to with Siobhan.

I walked out of the house and was greeted with proper rain. Not the drizzle that English weather usually produces. You know, the half-assed, "I am not sure whether I should open my umbrella" kind of rain. But this was a proper, Texas kind of downpour that comes, dumps, and leaves. I waded my way to the tube station and by the time I came out at Tottenham court road, the rain had left and the sun was on its way out of the clouds. I think the weather might change faster here than in Texas! (But don't quote me on that.)

I wandered on over to the goold ole British Museum (which I think I probably visited as a child, but my goodness I've been here so many times I cannot possibly count or recall everything) and a mental compass of mine must have pointed me right to the really good stuff. Well, my version of the really good stuff. Have a look at any of the pictures I've taken (they're on photobucket now) and you'll see that I might have a teensy weensy thing for ancient Mediterranean cultures. And Ancient Egypt. And particularly things of the statue persuasion... Here is an abbreviated version of what I saw, for those of you who don't want to wade through all my photos.

And after I went to the British Museum I got on the tube and made my way to (where else?!) but I Knit London. It was a really great store, full of some really good British Wool, but I snagged myself some Manos de Uruguay that flew off the shelf and yelled "BUY MEEE!!" So I had to. Right? I think these will make some really nice gloves.

There is something to wandering around somewhere alone.

One one hand, if you feel like ducking in somewhere for a few minutes, there is no one to say "Nah, that's not a good idea." On the other, it's kind of lonely. Kind of really lonely.

Seven days until I go back to the States! I'm ready for it.

1 comment:

Cara said...

I can't wait for you to come home too! And, you changed your banner - very cute.