Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tie a ribbon

Remember the old idea where you tie a ribbon around your finger to remind you of something?

It actually works.


Today I had my hair cut (It looks really cute, thanks for asking!) and walked out to my car in the terrible Austin summer humidity (Yuuuuuuuuck....) and unlocked my car. I tried to open the door and it wasn't unlocked. I hit the button again... and it still wasn't unlocked. Puzzled, I stuck the key in my car and unlocked it manually and finally the door unlocked.


When I got home I puzzled over it for a while and hit the buttons a few times and discovered that the locks on the front doors of my cars are not locking (and unlocking) when I tell them to. To my knowledge, this only started today, but tomorrow I'm going to the dealership to get it sorted.

But in any case, for the rest of the day I had to remember to check that the car locks when I tell it to... and to remember that I TIED A RIBBON AROUND MY FINGER. (Well, I tied a string of yarn around my finger. To each her own, right? I just happened to have a ball of sock yarn in my purse...)


I may start to use this method more often. Whoda thunk it woulda actually worked...

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