Saturday, August 23, 2008

Walk with me


Yesterday, I packed up my car and LEFT HOME.

As in, I am permanently living SOMEWHERE ELSE for a whole year.

Yeah, I can barely believe it myself. I've lived in the same house for over fifteen years. That's 83% of my life.

Wanna see my apartment?? Walk with me, and I'll show you around.

(I'm on the upper left.) There's a door that sticks and is hard to shut. (You have to push it hard to make it close all the way). And there's a living room with a spiffy new bookcase that Mike put together for us.

and an ugly couch that tries to eat you when you sit on it. There's a matching ugly chair too, which we have named The Pit.

There was one massively empty wall where our dinky little television is, so we bought a white board to fill the space. It does its job nicely, I think.

There's a spiffy little kitchen that is wonderful. (There's Abby, my room mate.)

We have cute yellow bowls, plates, and mugs,

And we have glasses and our own personal mugs. And my teapot. Don't forget the teapot!

We have a cute little bathroom and a shower with iffy water pressure.

(If this picture is sideways, flip it in your imagination. I tried to edit it in photobucket, but it failed and I'm too lazy to re-upload something like that.)

And take a peek into my own little room!!

I have the adorable bed with the really convenient wire shelves above it (which will definitely come in handy... Thanks Mom!)

And I have dressers stacked on top of one another. And a mirror!

I have a lamp and my new cute fuzzy towels.

I have a cork board that I hung all by me onesy. I had to hammer in the screws instead of screw them in. That took a little manipulating.

And I have my own system of organizing necklaces. I did this at home, and I like the system. It works for me. They're just tacks in the wall.

I think this'll feel like home, eventually. Right now it's kind of surreal... nothing feels mine yet. (I'll fix this.)

So there you have it! Welcome to college, Stefanie.

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