Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another canal tour!

I bring you... Canal Tour Numero Dos! : Göteborg edition.

(See that ö? That's my fabulous usage of this Swedish keyboard. Which blows my mind sometimes, because all the symbols are in different places. For example: The ':' sign is on the '.' key, and the '?' is on the '+' key, and you have to hit 'crtl + alt' to get the '@' sign on the number 2. But there are also lots of fun things... like a ¤ symbol and ö, ä, and å. Oooh...)

Before the boat tour, we walked around Göteborg a bit. Saw a statue of Poseidon.
And we saw a seagull sitting on Poseidon.
And again, I notice the common theme in Europe: Symmetry.
So this afternoon, Emma and I went on a boat tour around Göteborg. We went all around the canals through Göteborg as well as out into and around the harbor.
But to get into the harbor, we had to duck.

We saw a really cool old boat. This used to be functional, but now it's just a hotel and restaurant.

This is the spire of a German church.

This is the Sailor's Wife statue. It's a monument to all the sailors that never came home during WWI.

....And we also saw a, erhm, sea monster. With no head.

Here is Emma, taking a picture. (And be being sneaky and her not noticing me taking the picture.)

Oh and look! ANOTHER picture of me! ...But wait. What's that?


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