Sunday, November 25, 2007

So... yeah...

I have nothing real to say. (In that case, I guess everything I say should be fake if you take that phrase literally.)

I had another lazy day. Brandy slept over at my house, and we (well, I) spent time looking at knitting patterns. She, stubborn as she is, picked up a crochet hook and started to learn how to crochet out of my Stitch N' Bitch Crochet book (voulez vous crochet avec moi?). Needless to say, I am a little jealous because she just took to that hook like a duck to water. Of course, it gives me every reason to now start calling her a hooker. (ha ha ha).

I read another book this afternoon, then went downstairs and had some of my mom's delicious turkey soup. I could live off of that stuff. The only annoying thing about it is that it has whole peppercorns in it, which gives it flavor but is annoying when you pick it up in the rest of your soup and bite it. They become a little hot when you bite 'em.

Then I watched tv for four hours (two of them were a movie) and now I'm blogging.

So you see, it's been overall a good day. A good book, a good movie, and then some good soup.

You know what I realized? I have a lot to say, but not a lot of patience when I'm writing/blogging about it to say it. Becuase I have a million mph brain and about a 60 wpm typing skill.

1,000,000 mph /3600 wph = 277.78 mw/h

Fast, but not fast enough.

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