Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sneaky Me!

Mom would laugh if she could see me now! I am, at this very moment, typing from my old laptop in my hallway and I cannot believe that I even tried to resurrect this thing. I turned it on about fifteen minutes ago and it has been thinking very hard for the entire time.

So, a bit of back story.

I am in Austin right now... surprised? So was Mom. I decided this morning that I would drive up and surprise her at the superbowl party Mike was hosting. When I got there, most everyone had arrived, and so they were all enjoying drinks in the kitchen... and poof! Around the corner comes Stefanie.

Mom looked at me for a good seven or eight seconds before she realized that it was me and that I was actually there. It was priceless - exactly what I had hoped would happen! I could see the cogs staring to turn in her brain as she connected two and two together. I am glad that I was able to surprise her. She missed me, I missed her, and we a ll had a good time tonight... even though we were all rooting for the carinals to win!

Tomorrow morning I will be heading back to San Antonio (who was that guy on the Steelers team... Santonio something? I think I'm going to start calling San Antonio that!) and I am sure I will blog then.

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