Sunday, April 19, 2009

Channeling Hermione Granger (again)

I spent some time channeling Hermione Granger the other day and I drew up a revision timetable for myself. It's nothing fancy, but it's just what I need to accomplish every day in order to be prepared. It's color- (and font-) coordinated and quite fantastic, if I do say so myself.

Blue days are when I don't have anything to do, purple are the days that I study, and red are test days. You can probably see that I have a decent schedule of finals, even though I have a final on Saturday again.

The reason I'm putting it up on my blog is because Mom promised to not call me every day and ask me whether or not I studied everything I said I would.

And speaking of my mother, she said another amusing thing the other day:
"Mom, I drew up a revision schedule for finals this afternoon."
"That's great, except that nobody uses the word 'revision' in this country."

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