Friday, February 8, 2008

Wanna know something cool?

I love the internet.

I love the opportunities it provides me with. Simultaneously, I can download music, search for alternate ways to learn things like Physics (because, you know, my teacher doesn't make sense to me.), watch videos of people literally on the other side of the world, voice my opinion, AND not explode. It baffles me to imagine a world without internet and without computers, because in my 18-year life span, there has never been a conscious moment where I haven't had access to a computer.

The internet brings everyone together. It's the missing link of humanity, now bringing people's voices to the surface. Who knows? With the right people reading a blog, watching a channel on YouTube, or recognizing a person, fame is now an attainable, tangible, thing. If I really wanted to, I could get on websites and promote my blog. If I had another reason other than keeping those who I love in touch with my everyday life (And the desire to rant every once and a while), I could promote this blog on hundreds of websites and people would read. People could value, challenge, or support the words that I am writing exactly now. And how difficult would it be? Not difficult at all.

Limitless. That is what the future holds.

The internet allows people to connect to people. I've emailed a contemporary composer about how much I love to play her music on the piano, and she wrote back to me. I've emailed authors whose books I love, and yesterday I even emailed Claudia, who makes and dyes yarn. And you know what's greatest? I got responses. I didn't just get an automated "thank you for emailing ______. He/She appreciates your comments." I got full out "thank yous" from the real people. I've asked questions and they have answered me.

There's no opportunity someone can't seize with the internet. I took a SAT review course using webcams in November. I didn't have to go anywhere but sit somewhere comfortable in my room to learn all I needed to know about how to take advantage of getting a better score on the SAT.

I can't believe how much is on the internet, and how many people there are too! I play a game on occasion called Runescape. It's a MMPRPG (Multi-million-player role-playing game) There are seriously that many people registered to play a free game. Just logging on to the game connects me with thousands of other lives all across the world.

A few years ago I downloaded a program called Skype. I rarely used it, but one day I turned on my computer and a chat box popped up. It was a guy who I had never talked with, who said that he lived in Morocco. He didn't want my bank information, my Social Security number, or my home addess. He wanted to know if I was an American, and if I was, if he could ask me some information about how I, as an American, celebrate holidays like Easter and Christmas. He said he needed it for a class. "What is typical of an american holiday?" he asked me. And I didn't feel any shame in explaining to him what our customs were in America. That kind of first hand information wouldn't be possible without a plane ticket and a lot of money before the internet came about.

Blogging has become one of my favorite parts of my day. Because I can say exactly what I mean. I can express my own opinions. That's what's so great about free speech.

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