Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Letter

Dear Inventors of Hot Water, Chamomile Tea, and Trashy Romance Novels,

I'm writing to you from a secluded and dark area of my brain. I don't often visit here, but on the occasion that I do, I find myself a little under the weather.

When I do find myself wandering into this particular area, I find that the three of you are the people who I want to thank most. You are practically my idols. Who else could I turn to in my time of need? Hot Water is the ultimate healer of the body, Chamomile Tea the mind, and well, add the Romance Novel and you've got yourself a party. A very repetitive, same-story-with-different-names party.

I know this isn't a long letter, but it's very hard to find time, or a desire to write here in this place I'm visiting. The light isn't very bright, but they're slowly finding more candles to light up the space. I might have to leave soon, though.


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