Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Uno a cien.

So Barb encouraged me to do this, and it really proved an interesting excercise. AND I got to weasel things out of my mom that I'd skipped over.

100 Things About Me

1) I am the eldest child in my family

2) I am 5’7”... and the shortest in my family, as my brother constantly reminds me.

3) I have blonde hair.

4) I do not tan. I get more freckles, and in the sun they get darker and give the illusion of a tan. If you ever see me with a great tan, ask me where I bought it.

5) I knit. I swear, it’s the most relaxing thing you could do.

6) I write. All the time. Even if it’s not on paper, I’m writing in my mind. For instance, I’ve been crafting this all day.

7) I play piano... Been playing for 10 or 11 years now.

8) I did Tae Kwon Do for 10 years and am a 2nd degree black belt.

9) Respect is a big deal to me, and in my world everyone deserves it and has my respect. It takes a lot to lose it... So far only a few people have.

10) When I was younger I had such light blonde hair and swam so much that it turned green.

11) When I was 5 I knocked three of my front teeth out and had to have 12 or so stitches in my lip. There’s a lump in my bottom lip that mom says she can feel whenever she kisses me goodnight.

12) I don’t do well in team sports, only because I‘ve tended to notice that when we start to lose, my team gives up, and I can‘t stand that.... No, it‘s not because I’m a bully.

13) I’ve always loved office supplies. Put me in an office depot and I’m right at home.

14) I’m a really visual person.

15) I believe that the moon does have some sort of magical properties. I’ve always been lucky on full moons...

16) We have 5 printers, and currently 2 of them work.

17) I have the coolest purple TI-83 calculator that all of my friends at school are jealous of.

18) My mom used to tell me that I had the patience of a butterfly.

19) I’m determined. I will do it. (whatever ‘it’ happens to be at the time.)

20) At school I don’t have to pay library fines because I spend my spare time helping out the librarian. Shelving books is also one of those really calming exercises and presents a good opportunity to think... It’s nice during all the hustle of school.

21) My nickname at camp was “Cantaloupe”. One of the counselors seriously does not know my name and actually called me “Cantaloupe” all the time.

22) I’ve seen The Fellowship of the Ring 27 times, The Two Towers 39 times, and The Return of the King 35 times.

23) I become obsessive about things VERY EASILY.

24) I still nurse a strong crush on Orlando Bloom (you should have seen my bedroom wall during middle school... Let’s just say you couldn’t see the paint.)

25) I own a Legolas and an Aragorn standup. (Aragorn is in my closet right now.)

26) And a replica of Aragorn’s dagger... And the Evenstar pendant.

27) Lord of the Rings was what started me writing. I started writing Fanfiction, and off I went!

28) I have actually finished writing an entire multi-chapter story. It was called Not Knowing, was something like 34 chapters, and took me three years to write. (It was Fanfiction).

29) Epic war movies make me giggle.

30) I live for the days when I am onstage in the spotlight. Any sort of spotlight on a stage, actually.

31) I’ve been in 6 productions at my school: Midsummer Night’s Dream (I was a random Athenian), Carousel (chorus), The Skin of Our Teeth (random people), The Boyfriend (Chorus), Our Town (Mrs. Soames), and The Bard on Broadway (Chorus and Nerissa from Merchant of Venice)

32) In middle school I was in two plays: Looking Glass Land (I played Humpty Dumpty and the White Knight) and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (I was Mr. Tumnus)

33) I sing. All the time. Everywhere.

34) I won my school spelling been in 7th grade. I got a medal and my name engraved on a plaque. (You can go there and see my name!!)

35) My babysitting job this summer is one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life.

36) I’m the editor of my school newspaper.

37) I’m also the editor of my school’s literary magazine.

38) I’ve never been on a date in my life.

39) I have duel citizenship. (American and UK)

40) My dad is British.

41) Nobody spells my name right the first time.

42) My brother and I both have middle names of great rulers. (Elizabeth and Alexander)

43) I’ve visited Canada, England, Spain, France, Sweden, and Germany, but never hopped the
border to Mexico.

44) I have type O+ blood. (Universal donor, thankyouverymuch)

45) Rapidly I’m becoming very attached to this cat that I cuddle with while I’m babysitting. I’m thinking of hiding him in my bag when I leave someday...

46) I correct my friends’ papers at school, and constantly correct their grammar.

47) If I could be eternally damned to do some household chore for the rest of my life, it would be hand washing dishes. Something about making things clean just fulfills my soul. (My friend Brandlyn and I have a deal. When we’re older, we’ll both swap houses for a day. I’ll do her dishes and she’ll clean my floors.)

48) I would really like to work at a publishing company someday... Reading manuscripts seems a delightful business.

49) One of my ’happy places’ that I think of when I’m writing is the house that I lived in for a summer in England called The Limes. Something about that house was just magical to me. (It was built probably 300 years ago or so.)

50) I believe history is one of the most fascinating things to learn. However, anything with the numbers 19 at the beginning, while history, are mostly dull to me. Give me Renaissance history ANY day!

51) I do not read books, I devour them.

52) Another happy place of mine is Starbucks. I don’t even have to be drinking coffee, I just love the atmosphere.

53) I really, really wish I could draw really well. (How many ‘really’s was that?)

54) It bothers me when people yawn really loud during class. It makes me want to sucker punch them and say ‘BREATHE NOW! HAH!’

55) I have a soft spot for Indian food. Something about the spices... Yummmmm....

56) I think that if I didn’t have my step mom in my life, I don’t know what I would do. She seems to know a little about everything!

57) I swear that the lady I babysit for is a projection of me in like 25 years. (It keeps me optimistic...)

58) When I’m really tired I start telling people things that I probably shouldn’t.

59) When I lived in England for a summer (it was the year Harry Potter 6 came out) I would sit on the comfy red couch and sip red wine while I read a book every night after dinner.

60) I have probably read Harry Potter more than anyone else and know the most minute details about the books.

61) I can’t go to sleep without some sort of noise going on. So I listen to audio books (mostly Harry Potter, because I can stand to hear that one over and over.)

62) I can pull off a great British accent and often go around fooling people into thinking that me and my friend (who also has a great British accent) are visiting for a few weeks.

63) I was probably one of the first people in America to read Harry Potter. I bought the books while in England when the second book came out, whereas Harry Potter did not become popular until book 3 here.

64) I have recently become addicted to making my yarn stash grow.

65) Apparently I’m a great (?)

66) I love roses and I dry every one that I get. I have a bunch in my closet and a bouquet hanging from my ceiling.

67) I did my friend’s French 1 homework once.

68) I don’t know French.

69) That said, I’d really like to learn.

70) However, I have taken 8 odd years of Spanish.

71) Y puedo hablar espanol mas o menos fluentemente.

72) I have a thing for languages. (Don’t know if you’d noticed...)

73) My favorite type of chocolate (Take note, people!) is dark chocolate with raspberry. (Godiva is wonderful... Mmm...)

74) Every time I say “Hey, you wanna give me a massage?” people run away.

75) One of my favorite memories of my childhood was when my dad and I used to go to the Sam’s club and go grocery shopping en masse. And he would let me push the cart that probably weighed about 3 times my weight.

76) Something else that my dad did with me was go to Central Market. I remember we would buy their fresh tortillas and then end up with just the empty bag to show to the person at the register. And he would let me eat the grapes that we were going to buy (UNWASHED! Gasp!)

77) I will never, ever sing in public the way I sing in my car.

78) I’m not afraid of ghosts, just deeply unsettled.

79) I’m really insecure about my looks a lot of the time. Not in the “will I fit in?” way, but the “am I beautiful?” way.

80) I have a few little OCD tendencies. Such as if I type a word and misspell it, I have to erase the entire thing and start anew. And I hate when I have any spam or junk email in my junk box. Grrrrr....

81) Something about the radio scan button bothers the crud out of me. I have no idea why; it’s such a useful button.

82) If I could add two features to my car, they would be the “search and destroy” button, and the “green light” button.

83) Ellen Degeneres and Monty Python are the epitome of funny to me. Long live the Knights who say Ni.

84) I’m allergic to anything with fur. That includes: cats, dogs, bunnies, and hedgehogs. (I’m starting to suspect I’m allergic to my friend Brandlyn, but I think it’s just because she’s always hugging her dog, Bella.)

85) The only thing that miffs me about my father is that he is so firmly rooted in his beliefs (or lack thereof, in the religious dept.) that I cannot talk to him about my faith.

86) I am a Christian.

87) When I was little, the only way I could remember how to spell ‘Christian’ was to sing that song. (I am a C. I am a C-H. I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N.) and then it took me forever to really get the rest of the song. (And I have C-H-R-I-S-T in my H-E-A-R-T and I will L-I-V-E E-T-E-R-N-A-L-L-Y.)

88) I went through a wee little phase that involved reading Nancy Drew. I read 126 of them.

89) Honestly, part of the reason I read historical romances is to learn about 18th/19th century Europe and the culture then.

90) I saved $857 by going to my library instead of buying books last year. However, I probably spent a considerable amount at Barnes and Noble, too.

91) I respond to the names Ivy and Isabel.

92) I have enough freckles to play connect the dots on. But really you can just draw something on me and you’d be connecting the dots anyway.

93) When I was little (and yes, a little now) I dreamed about getting married in a big European cathedral.

94) I saw a picture of my mom when she was like 13 or 14 and it’s kind of scary; I really do look like her.

95) I love lightning. Give me a good thunderstorm any day.

96) I hate bees with a passion that burns with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.

97) I think that that median time between Fall and Winter is the best. The time when it’s trying to be cold, but not succeeding, and it’s hot enough to wear a tshirt, but you get to carry around a jacket with you. I don’t know why, but that time of year is the best.

98) Something about the book ‘Goodnight Moon’ used to bug me when I was little.

99) My mother tells me that she found me in a basket under a palm leaf on the doorstep.

100) When I was two and a half I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. The doctors said I’d never be able to play the piano. (Hah!)

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...

You and I are very similar, which would scare me for you except that I think you're going to avoid all of my pitfalls.

Your relationship with your mom gives me a lot of hope for my relationship with my girls.

If you are going to try to take Thomas home in a bag, it better be a REALLY STRONG BAG. Because he's a BIGFATCAT.

Have you seen that Orlando Bloom. Kirsten Dunst movie? I have it if you want it. He's VERY, very cute, even with dark hair.

Jane's middle name is Elizabeth.

Number 35 gave me tears in my eyes. You are a blessing.
