Thursday, June 14, 2007

the 'WHY' key

Okay, so this isn't that interesting, but I find it kind of funny.

My 'y' key on my laptop is disfunctional. Seriously. It pops out after every... oh... seventh use. It'll just dislodge itself from the keyboard and kind of dance around until I realize that I'm tping all the words without the in it and I don't seem to realize wh it does that when it does that (<- note the artfully missing 'y's!0 (It just popped out.) So I've decided to christen this key, not the 'y' key, but the 'WHY' key (<- note the artful play on words!) The fact that every day is full of the randomly disfunction of the stuff that's supposed to work anyway. Like when your blinker light decides to go on the fritz and blink really really fast, but then you hit it and it works fine. Or when your ipod decides that NO IT WILL NOT WORK and then you try and fix it, but finally give up and call tech support, and then they tell you to do the exact same thing and then it works... or... well you get the point. Stuff in life is just supposed to work, but it doesn't. Therefore, the 'WHY' key. (note the artful caps lock)

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