Sunday, June 10, 2007

"Can I take that out of your way?"

So, for once I'm kind of glad that nobody reads this because for this blog I might get punched in the nose. (Or severly verbally beaten, in any case.) But last night I had the time of my life volunteering at the Dennis Quaid fund raiser gala/dinner/thingy... I opened wine bottles, I helped do some setup, I bussed tables and smiled at people, mostly because they have oodles of money and are giving it to the cause... but I bussed a LOT of tables... and I discovered that just because I wasn't wearing a cocktail dress and I had a crew shirt meant that I was lower than everyone. I would approach someone and ask politely, "May I take that out of your way, maam/sir?" and they would point at something and wait until I was walking away from the table to continue their conversation.

I dunno, I think if I ever get famous, I'll help the volunteers bus tables. I believe out of several hundred guests, I received around 4 thank yous.

And several spilled martinis on my pants.

Well blogger, I guess I had a point to make and maybe lost it.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I think you made your point quite nicely.

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