Thursday, June 21, 2007

5 inch mile

So here's an update:

It's like five whole inches long!! I've almost used all of the first ball of yarn. Yay!! So guess what? My chocolate melted! (Surprise!!) I've given up on that, but I did buy some jelly beans which I force myself not to eat unless I'm knitting. Good intentions, of course.

While I was babysitting this morning I read a chapter in a knitting book (Knitting Rules! by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee..... <- What a beautiful first name, right? It would be better with an 'f' though...) and it was all about gauge and knitting a swatch and all the while I'm thinking... Man, if I'd actually done that I would have totally saved six hours of my life. I'm running out of movies to knit to! I guess I could go to my dad's house (where he and my stepmom are HUGE movie buffs and have a collection of 500+ dvds), but my stepbrother occupies that couch. Is there no couch for me in this world?!

I'm going to go fight for a couch now.

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...

I'll share my couch with you! (But not my stash--I have to draw the line somewhere... Oh, okay, but just a little sharing.) Your blanket rules. I can't wait to see it when it's done. --Barb