Part 1: A Game
I went to the UT/UTEP game last weekend. It. Was. HOT. I took Brandlyn with me and we only lasted until half time. We then went to Kerbey Lane and drank about a gallon of water each. UT steamrolled all over them... Final score was something like 63-7.
Part 2: An Ankle
My ankle is still sprained, but since Thursday it hasn't really slowed me down (except going down stairs, which was pretty painful until yesterday.) I still can't bend it without it hurting (in a dull way) but I no longer have to do this awkward hop thing down the stairs.
It still looks a little swollen though.
Part 3: Aspen
I'm house sitting for the next two weeks. It's a little weird (I've never house-sat before) but it's not hard. I have to take care of a dog, Aspen, who is a little annoying, but sweet all the same.
She doesn't respond to voice commands very well, like my dogs, which makes yelling at her pretty fruitless. And really frustrating.
Part 4: ACL
I've got a pretty lopsided set of photography from ACL this year, as I went Friday, Saturday, and skipped out on Sunday altogether. Friday was perfect weather, Saturday was miserable, and Sunday it hasn't really rained (that I've noticed) but the mud created from the constant rain yesterday apparently made it stink and impossible to walk. Yuck! So look on mom's blog for any pictures of Sunday, if she took them.
There's Mom and Mike.
And Mom's friend Kelly came again this year.
Nemo was our "Flag". I thought it was funny that we had to "Find Nemo" every time. Haha. At night, we stuck a light in him so he glowed!
The first act I saw was John Legend. He was great!
I next went to see Andrew Bird, who was a lot of fun to hear!
I also got a video of his first 8 minutes (for my friend Danny, who really wanted to come this year, but couldn't!)
The sunset was pretty that night, and so were the moon and cityscape!
That's all for now! Grades for exams should be posted in the next few days... I hope I did well.
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