Saturday, August 15, 2009

And A Little More

Here's what happened today! (Below is another video. I assume you need to clicky into the browser again to see it.)

Nothing new of mine, but Kris (long story short - Abby changed her name to Kristin, which is actually her real name. So, same person, different name!) and Nathan moved in all of their stuff into the apartment and set up their room.

I was there for none of that because this afternoon I went to see Wicked with my old piano teacher, Kay Reed. We met for lunch and then went to the theater together. The traveling show was just as good as the one on Broadway, no joke. It was brilliant - and even better the second time around!

Tomorrow is for the big stuff - my bed, the couch, the kitchen table... so hopefully I'll get another video out to yall soon. :)

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