Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To Mom, On Her Wedding Day


Today you're getting married again. I honestly don't know what that's like (well, obviously) but I can guess that it's a whole bunch of happiness mixed with a whole bundle of nerves with a side of let's-get-this-over-with-ititiveness, and all I can say to that is that you shouldn't be nervous or anything like that. Just happy. You're marrying a wonderful guy who, even though he's got three kids of his own, has taken Dunc and me under his wing too, without even hesitating.

But it's not about me and Dunc, it's about you. He makes you so, so happy and I love to seeing you happy. You have this smile that just lights up your beautiful blue eyes. You're a happy woman, and Mike just compliments you in so many ways.

You both love beaches, you both love your kids, and you both love each other. (Especially the beach one. I won't be surprised if you just stay there forever.) I can only hope to find someone so wonderful someday.

I wish I could be there with you, but not because I want to just lie on the beach all day, (Okay, that's a part of it) or because I want a new pretty dress (okay, that's a part of it too), or because I want to skip a week of school (Geez, don't drag it out of me!), but really? It's because I only wish I could be there when the most important woman in my life gets married.

I love you, Mom. You're going to be the most beautiful thing on that beach today. So rock the dress and those sexy little sandals and have a glass of champagne (or a margarita, I'm not picky) for me.

Love, Steffi

1 comment:

Cara said...

tears.you are the sweetest daughter ever! ilu!! mom
kisses and hugs from Mike and me!