Thursday, March 19, 2009

Long Day

Today will be a long day, but perhaps in a good way. I'm sitting in my Geology class (Professor is already here... 10 minutes before class is scheduled to start, and not 5 minutes after! That's different. Blue hat today. Some kind of orange or yellow writing on it.)

I did that thing yesterday where I ignore all of the work that is due Friday because I assume that I have no social life (which is a good assumption. I don't exactly get out much... which I plan to change.) and I can totally do my homework tomorrow night. Except I woke up this morning and remembered that today is Thursday and I'm going to a party tonight so I have to do the work before that. Oh well. Party starts at 10... and goes on into the morning from there. I wonder how I will be able to drag myself out of bed in the morning at all. Maybe I will... maybe I won't. I have an A in both my morning classes; I can afford to sleep through them every once and a while.

Yesterday was bizarre. I got up and went to my French class - SHOCK it was canceled. She's never canceled before (As an aside, I can never spell 'canceled' right on the first go. I always think it has two l's. It's just one of those words) - and so I used the time free from French class (as some of you may have noted on my Twitter?) to study French. Looking back... I could have been doing my other homework, but oh well. I needed to do my French work, too.

And then I went to English class, where I have perfected the art of irritating the teacher by playing word games in my notebook AND managing to actively participate in class. (I play that game where you take a word and try to make as many other words from the letters in the original as possible. It's in the Statesman, but I don't know what it's called. I usually just use random words I spot in books.) And later in the day, I dutifully went to my Astronomy class (much as I really, really wanted a nap) and SHOCK... that class was canceled too! (<- I just spelled it wrong again.) So I went home, watched TV, took a nap (Yay!) and enjoyed my evening.

So today's schedule is not nearly as much fun as yesterday's: Geology class (12:30), history class (2:00), Paisano meeting (4:00), Homework (5ish-? I'm going to my friend's to get ready. She's going to do my makeup.), Party (10-?). Notice, that there's no nap in there.

I am actually really looking forward to the party. It's my friend's 19th birthday and we're going out clubbing. A lot of people are coming down from Austin for it and I'm looking foward to dancing and having fun. I went shopping the other day and found an adorable dress that's a dark kind of slate blue... and it's a dress-up-dress-down dress and so I'll be able to wear it again. It's cute enough that I want to, anyway. That's $30 spent well.

If there are photos, I'll post some tomorrow.

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