Saturday, March 28, 2009

On Time-Sucks, Articles, and Books...

Because it is Write That Damned Article Day in my world, I am finding plenty of other things to do. Like cleaning my room, kitchen, bathroom, entire apartment... it's just one of those things where, if I know I have time to wiggle about and I don't have to crack down right now, I will inevitably find other things to do until it is absolutely crunch time. Like dishes. And laundry. And, um, blogging... It's not that I don't love to write, it's just a habit that I need to learn how to break.

After this blog, I WILL write my article. It's about a group on campus who works to promote awareness of welfare of animals. I spent about an hour and a half typing up the five-page transcript for the article this morning. It was about a 26 minute interview. I estimate that for every minute of conversation, it takes me about three minutes to type it up. Maybe someday I'll have a worker-monkey to do that for me...

So earlier this week, I realized something: I have a lot of music that has become Time-Suck music. You know, where you put on a CD that you know so well that you hear about fifteen seconds of each track, and before you know it, the whole CD is finished and suddenly that 45 minutes or an hour that you have spent listening to that music has passed you without you noticing? I have a lot of that music: Here's a few of the CDs that are my personal Time-Sucks.

1. Phobia, Breaking Benjamin
2. Lead Sails and a Paper Anchor, Atreyu
3. Duncan Sheik, Duncan Sheik
4. Twilight soundtrack, Carter Burwell
5. August Rush soundtrack, Various Artists

I have many more, but those are the ones that come to mind. I listened to the August Rush soundtrack about five times the other night when I was trying to work on homework, and realized at the end of it that many hours had passed and I was sitting in the dark. Can't tell you how many times I've done that before.

On Fridays, I make it a point to really enjoy my afternoon and do the things that I've been thinking about doing all week, like watching TV, a movie, reading a book, or writing. I always find time to do what I want to during the week, but Friday afternoons are mine. I bought the Twilight DVD the other day and have watched it three times (Obsessive? Moi?) and have since been seized with the desire to reread the books, which (surprisingly) I have only read once before. I read the first two about three years ago when we had an extended 5-day weekend due to snow and ice, and the third and fourth ones as they were released. But I've never gone back and reread them since. So I plucked it off my shelf yesterday around 4ish and spent the afternoon being Time-Sucked by the book until I got to chapter 17 around midnight and realized: Holy carp, I am on page three-hundred-something and should probably go to bed.

After I write my article, I will probably go and read more of it. I have a problem though: I have books one, two and four. Three is somewhere floating around the house in Austin, or was loaned to someone... or something like that. In any case, I will have to do something when I inevitably come to book three and don't have it.

Well, it's article time. I'm going to put on one of those five CDs and let the time suck me away. Probably the Twilight CD, since it hasn't got words... and because I'm in a Twilight-y mood today.

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