Monday, July 9, 2007

Two Worlds

It's bizzare.

New York to Austin... it's completely different, like two completely different worlds. The whole attitude of that city is just so "I have somewhere to be, so shoo! Get out of my way!"... Or if you're on Broadway, it's the "I'm not going to look in front of me, I'm going to look UP and WOW!"

It's weird to walk the streets of New York, but strangely just cool. It's weird to realize that every single one of the people who aren't getting out of my way have their own life, their own family, fears, doubts, wishes... They aren't just part of the masses.

Anyway, my stay in NYC was awesome. BEYOND awesome.

We ended up seeing just four musicals.

1) Tarzan : This was what surprised me most. I wasn't expecting to sit on the edge of my seat and love every moment that I sat in that theatre. I wasn't expecting to sit enthralled with the amazing stunts and acrobatics that were going on, up on the stage. And hey, what's wrong with a practically naked Tarzan with great abs up on the stage. Come on. I know you were thinking it.

2) Wicked : Wow. Just wow. The fact that it's been on Broadway for 3 years and had sold out shows the entire time should say enough. I loved every moment I was in that theatre and I would probably go back and see it a hundred more times without hesistating. It was very much a "what appears good really isn't good and what appears evil is really good." It was funny, it was entertaining, and it is COMPLETELY worth the money for good tickets.

3) The Lion King : Okay, so I admit it. Lion King is my favorite Disney movie... by far. It's not annoying, it's sad, happy, and funny at the same time, and you know what? It has lions, and lions are awesome. So I was thrilled with the stage production. Everybody raves about this, and I agree with them.

4) Spamalot : Okay, so I'm also a Monty Python junkie too. Even with a lot of the same lines and the same scenes as the movie The Holy Grail, I laughed along with each and every one of them. The fact that I've seen that movie more than I can count on my hands and toes aside, the musical was funny, witty, and clearly some very strange people wrote it. With songs such as A Diva's Lament: Whatever Happened To My Part? and the Fisch Schlapping Song, this musical captured my heart, and my funny bone.

So, onto other things.

Our hotel was the coolest. It was itty-bitty, chic and modern, and as my mom so aptly put it "Probably the most hoppin' part in town." They had a bar that had lights coming from the floor, and the entranceway had a roof of ivy vines. Then, my favorite part of the hotel...

There's this terrace up on the fifteenth floor of the hotel. It was big and it had big plants in pots that I could hide in and not be found. And it had little alcoves in which to chat or do what I did:

(Well... What else would you expect?)

Mom and I went to Ellis Island on Sunday afternoon before Spamalot. It was really cool to see where the millions and millions of immigrants had come through to our country.

So, here's a few pictures, and I'll write soon. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice pics

well NO DUH lion king is the best!