Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Okay. So, here's the deal

I hate thin people.

Before someone punches me, hear me out.

I hate the thin people who don't eat because they are so obsessed with conformity. And the ones who think that people who are overweight aren't beautiful.

I saw the movie Harispray this evening, which, if you haven't seen the show or the movie yet, is about a girl who is very overweight who auditions for a local dancing show in Baltimore. The movie is also about the integration of the 60's, and taking a stand on racial inequality. And you want to know something? The girl was beautiful. Sure, she was really overweight, but you could see her soul in her eyes, and it made you want to see more. The whole atmosphere of the movie had me smiling in my seat the entire time.

Now, into the present. It's so unfair that we all hold ourselves to the 'standard'. Which, if you take a look around, the 'standard' is, what, 3% of the population? How on earth could we hold ourselves to that?! That's not fair to us, and that's not fair to every teenager out there who is anorexic or bullemic because of our ridiculous standard of beauty. Sure, they might look good in a bikini, but more often than not, they wouldn't be able to hold an conversation beyond knowing every rapper or fashion out there.

I am not terribly overweight. I admit, I could bear to lose 15 or so pounds, but I don't care. I feel beautiful. I feel worth something. I feel comfortable being me. I prize that so much higher than looking great in a bikini.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

messed up on the 1st comment..
YAY for you! and really,how great do u look in a bikini?!