Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Full Moon

I've always loved the moon. When I was little, I would see it and say, "Friend moon!" and when I was in elementary school and started reading Harry Potter and other books like it, I started believing in magic. Not wave-your-wand or crash-boom-bang magic... but the natural magic of stars and lightning and the moon... Little things like that just make me happy and feel fulfilled. In the past, Full Moons mark really important dates for me. My 16th birthday was a full moon, I got asked on my first date by my crush at the time on a full moon... I don't know. Really good stuff seems to happen to me on the full moon.

So tonight, I'm happy because I got the phone number of the guy I like. ;) Luck or coincidence? I don't know. But I thank Friend Moon that she shines her brightest tonight.

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