Monday, January 9, 2012

Breakathon Readathon Review: Uglies

You might have noticed that I have taken a little break from reading for the last week... combined with the return of a few of my friends to Austin, I took a few days off to give my brain a little break. Something I was not able to anticipate was my desire to remain somewhere within a genre or type of book, because the shock of jumping so frequently was really wearing on me. When I finish a good book, I want to read something similar - a book with a similar theme, or by the same author, or about the same length, etc. Thinking of what my next read should be, I struggled, wondering what book could possibly link Leviathan to where I wanted to take my brain next. Eventually, however, I found the perfect bridge: 

This book was one that my friend Brandlyn told me to read when we were in high school. I held out - only because if someone tells me I have to read something enough I am that much more unlikely to read it. This book was the perfect bridge between where my mind was left from the Hunger Games - dystopia, man v man, man v nature - and where my mind might want to go next. I chose Uglies because it was also written by Scott Westerfeld (who wrote Leviathan) and thus provided an excellent mental bridge. The premise of the novel is that at age 16, intense plastic surgery is required to turn everyone from "Uglies" to "Pretties". Due to some unusual circumstances, the main character of the novel finds herself tossed out into the wilderness by the authorities of her city with the ultimatum: "Do this or you'll remain ugly forever." I really enjoyed the pace of the novel (I read 80% of the novel more or less in one sitting), and the book ends on a really great cliffhanger. If it weren't 1am when I finished, I would have immediately launched into reading the sequel: Pretties. Be sure I'll be reading the rest of the series sometime soon - but perhaps not during the Readathon.

Likelihood I'll reread: 60% (Strong, but I'm more interested in finishing the series)
Likelihood I'll recommend: 75%


Total page count: 4145

Only a week or so to go left in the Readathon! I'll be posting my roommate's total as soon as we compare notes!

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