Saturday, June 27, 2009

Weekend Project

This morning, I suddenly decided that today was the day I was going to go through all of my yarn and needles and put them in a permanent place. For so long, I've just shoved them in a drawer, and now that my yarn habit is really starting to take off, they need a home.

So, being determined, I went to the Container Store. I spent a good hour there looking lost (but still determined) and (after chatting with one of the sales associates for a long time about knitting) I found a set of drawers that suited my needs. I went ahead and also bought some under-the-bed storage for extra yarn capacity.

But then, I had a basket of needles (mostly inherited from Una) that needed a home! Well I can't have that! Needles NEED a home!

So while the house was showing, Kerry-Lynn and I set off (determinedly) to Marshall's, Target, and World Market. We found a cute mug at Marshall's (the black and flowery one at the front - it was $3.24!) and two pretty blue vases for all of my other needley purposes. (They were on SALE too! I paid $4.48 for the big one and $3.48 for the small one.)

I LOVE the way they look.

Now, I just need to find a place to house all of my circular needles!

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