Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's a love-hate thing.

Reasons why I hate my Weasley Sweater:

1) Endless. Stockinette. Stitch.
2) Mindless knitting.
3) Doesn't seem to grow unless I look away.
4) It's taking FOREVER.
5) It gets boring really quickly.

Reasons why I love my Weasley Sweater:

1) Endless stockinette stitch.
2) Mindless knitting.
3) It's blue. I LOVE blue.
4) It's an easy pattern.
5) It's for ME.

This afternoon, the house was showing so I went over to my LYS (local yarn shop) and sat down at the table to knit. I started around 1:30ish with a new ball of yarn and 2 1/2 hours later, I had progressed only four inches (I started where the stray yarn is hanging out along the right side). It's frustrating, considering I worked so long.

(For the record, at 20", I am 8" short of where I need to stop knitting the back and start the front.)

1 comment:

MSbeckey said...

Thanks for the pics! Love the color and understand your frustration. It will be worth all the time!