Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Baby Update

It's been a while since my last post about little Miss Emma and I think that it may be time for a short baby update!

Every week I look after Emma, something is different. Babies grow so fast, and it's fascinating to watch their change and anticipate what will come next.

In the last two weeks or so, Emma has started to laugh. Her mouth gets all big and her eyes smile and these adorable sounds come out of her belly! It is just the cutest thing! In the last few days, she's started responding to peekaboo games. She doesn't giggle when I play peekaboo with her, but she does smile real big... I have a feeling that the giggling will start coming. As it is, she will make herself heard if she wants to talk. She has amazing volume with those little lungs of hers! This afternoon, I was making myself lunch and she was hanging out on the floor just happily screeching away and then giggling because it sounded funny. I think it's her way of saying "HI! I can talk TOO!"

Jenny (her mother) has started feeding Emma solid foods (well 'solid' I guess is relative. I wouldn't ever call that green bean mush a 'solid'). Emma doesn't like the green foods yet, but she does eat them. She likes carrots, too. But of course, the majority of her diet is formula. I love when I feed her and she reaches up and either tries to hold the bottle or holds my fingers. She has such tiny little hands...

Her depth perception has started to develop, and in the last few weeks she has started to reach for things, instead of waiting for them to be given to her. If I put her on the floor with a toy, she'll roll around with it and giggle and entertain herself with the toy for quite a time. She's definitely not at an age where she could completely entertain herself. (See? She grabbed my camera strap.)

The beginnings of teething are in full swing, and consequently she puts everything in her mouth. She's (kind of) stopped shoving her fingers so far into her mouth that she gags, but she definitely is chewing on all sorts of objects. (Exhibit A:)

Since Jenny gave me permission to sleep Emma on her tummy, Emma has been napping like a pro. She sleeps longer, better, and she is just a happier baby once she wakes up.

Poor Emma has been sick this week with a stomach virus. :( On Monday (and less so Tuesday), she just cried this pitiful "I'm just miserable - hold me!" noise. She's not been completely awful, but she has been exhausting. I hate falling asleep while "on duty" (Once I babysat until four in the morning and managed to stay awake), but I've fallen asleep several times on their couch this week without meaning to while Emma naps. I think Emma is on the mend, though. She's not quite so fussy today, so she is probably on the mend - though still a little warm. Poor baby.

Well, that's all the baby-related gushing I am allowed to do in one blog post. ;)


In other news, in an epic battle between my index finger and the bread knife... my finger lost. It's the first time I've cut my finger in a really long time! It's really difficult to type with a bandaid on my finger. And speaking of bandaids, why does no one seem to have them? I had to go to the first aid kit in my car and dig one out.

(Before people - ahem, Gramma - start worrying, no the cut is not bad, and yes, the cut is healing.)

No sweater news today. Have only knit a little since my last post about the sweater.

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