Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Post about Guilt and Knit Night

So, I do feel bad about posting only once or twice a week but recently my life has been sucked up by babysitting, naps, and (on occasion!) knitting. My sweater (picture in the future!) is now probably about 15" long now and ALMOST looks like it could be the fabric for something fabulous. Unfortunately, I have enough yarn left for maybe two more rows and then I have to wait for Staci at the Knitting Nest to get more in! She assures me it will be sometime before next Monday and that she will email me when it does come in... so until then, I've taken up my "Knitting == Therapy" socks.

(Imagine a pretty picture here. I don't have my camera OR the sock on me.)

I don't like blogging about sad things, but sad things do occur in life, and last night I wasn't in the best of moods (read: crying...For reasons I'd rather not discuss on le blog) when I went to Knit Night. I had a throbbing headache and was a total mess but I knew that I wanted to go and soak up the atmosphere of so many women knitting and being a community. It just seemed like the best thing to do, and sure enough I was right. I was only there for an hour and a half but within 20 minutes the ladies around the table had cheered me up and made me (kind of) forget about what was upsetting me so much.

I feel like I do owe them a huge, ginormous "Thank you" for being such wonderful, supportive people. Monday nights are the best of the week. :)

(And because this has been such a pictureless blog, I now present a lolcat:

There. Feel better now? Picture cravings satisfied?)

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