Sunday, October 21, 2007


Today was very long.

This week is going to be very long. I just know it. I'm not sure that people who don't perform know what kind of effort goes into putting together a production. In fact, I'm sure of that fact. All of the auditions and rehearsals and memorization take a lot of time.

Yall have to understand that when I'm complaining, I'm not miserable. In fact, I'm thrilled. I swear that I live for the few days a year that I perform, but complaining about it is probably the easiest way to make the world understand how tough it is.

But I digress (Barb, I channel thee.)

Today was very long. And a lot of smiling when I really didn't want to. Today is one of those days that I just don't want to feel any emotion, so I don't actually show any emotion. Our school had our open house today, and I gave a tour to a prospective family, who kept on saying "Wow, you seem to be very active at your school!" And I realized then that yes: I am very active at my school. I perform, I sing in the choir at mass every week, I'm an officer in two clubs, I'm the editor of the literary magazine, I'm active in a lot of after-school schpiels, and I love it. I love having things to do, and while it's not National Honor Society (which is totally overrated, I think) what I do, I do well.

So after I guided my prospective members around the campus (which somehow took an hour...)I hauled ass to rehearsal (not really... I drove the speed limit to rehearsal) where I promptly knit a foot of a scarf and then was more or less onstage for the other three and a half hours I was at rehearsal.

After this scene called The Blizzard, I went backstage and I laid down on the floor and was almost on the verge of falling asleep. And then I had to be back onstage for the finale.

If yall want to hear some stuff from Honk!, go to this site:

(I can't stop thinking about poultry!!)

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