Monday, October 8, 2007

Just another step

I took a college tour today of TLU. Overall, it looks like a great university which I would be able to slip into and make a great college experience for myself.

Want to know what doesn't please me?

The fact that I could slip in anywhere. Even my mom told me today, "Stef, I can see you going anywhere. To UT or Baylor or even here. Wherever you decide, you'll succeed." Isn't something about a campus supposed to just call out to me? Isn't something supposed to just say "Stefanie. You are home now." That didn't happen today, but I don't know if my College-Fit-Into-Ness Sensors were functioning properly today.

I'm one of those people who is very shy and uncomfortable until I experience something. I will sink into the shadows and do everything possible not to draw attention to myself. But after I experience that first shock of being part of something new, only then will I start to open up and be myself. I think that's why I didn't have a very good day today. And it was exhausting. I nearly fell asleep on the way home today.

College = daunting.

(18 days until opening night)

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