Sunday, November 29, 2009

NaNoWriMo Update #7

First, the stats.

Characters (no spaces):
Characters (with spaces):
Pages (approximate):

Ten things I am going to do after winning NaNoWriMo... which, god willing, will happen tomorrow.
1) I am going to read that book that I have been pushing back that I need to read for my final exam for English. (And then reevaluate time management for next year's NaNo)

2) Seriously, dance and scream and shout and buy myself a HUGE milkshake. I really want a milkshake.

3) Try and bum a massage out of someone.

4) Read a book for pleasure. Like seriously, I haven't touched one of those in, like, a month.

5) Reintroduce normal habits back into my writing; stuff like adding in contractions and dashes into my writing.

6) Knit that darned scarf that has been sitting in my bag for MONTHS.

7) Study for finals.

8) Study for those annoying "Oh, it's the last week of class! What a perfect opportunity for a test!" tests.

9) Brag to everyone. No, I'm not even kidding. I can imagine my conversations looking a lot like this for the month of December:
-"Hey Stef!"
-"Why yes, I wrote a novel, thanks for asking!"
-"I, uh, didn't... okay. A novel - wow!"
-"Yeah, it was pretty epic. Even though I took a bunch of days off I pulled it off in the end."
-"That sounds great, hey did you do the chemistry homework?"
-"No, but I did write a novel - didn't you hear?"
-"Yeah, uh... that's great."

10) Take a nap. I miss naps.

(Uh, and now I go back to my novel...)

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