Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Green Halloween?

I need to catch up on last weekend, so here's a short blog about it!

So on Halloween day I kept it chill. I slept in till about 12 or 1 and generally enjoyed a lazy afternoon. In the evening, I went over to my friend Ally's place with Karynna and we turned on Hocus Pocus and snacked on candy until 11, when we headed over to this comic book store called the Dragon's Lair for the NaNoWriMo midnight write.

(As an side, I generally consider myself Dorkus Supremus, as I am about a nerdy as an average English major can get, but I have never felt so cool and non-dorky in my life! I'm a nerd, but I never got into comic books.)

At midnight, we had a countdown and we started our novels! It was super fun and I got a good start on my novel: I Bleed Orange.

Here is Karynna happily novelling away...

And Ally getting stuck...

So Sunday was a big day in APO. It was BP/LP Sunday (Big person/Little person) when we (the pledges) get our Bigs and our family. There are six families at UT: Greens, Butts, DJs, Blackhands, Outsiders and Speers. My big is a girl named Lindsey and I am now part of the Green family!

Super exciting! We all went out to eat (and literally took over this little Italian restaurant on Barton Springs - we had like 20 people) and the Bigs treated the Littles... and a lot of laughter and general hilarity ensued.

Tonight I'm cooking dinner and having a write-in for my other novelling friends. I think I'll have to strictly enforce the writing thing, because last night we gave it a try (I baked cookies!) and we all novelled for 15 minutes and got distracted. Now I need to catch up on yesterday's word count... which I will do during the rest of my break.

Oh! I registered for classes! I'm going to hold off on posting my schedule until the next semester begins. Be assured that it is awesome, though.

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