Monday, September 14, 2009

A few thoughts after knit-night

I went to Knit-Night tonight where I listened to a lot of conversations. I didn't get to voice my opinion (mostly because they didn't give me a chance to, and I'm not a butt-my-way-into-things kind of girl anyway...) and so I thought I'd give my opinion on my blog. Because, well, that is what a blog is for, right?

I listened to two (nice) old ladies complain about their various aches, pains, and medications, and when they left I listened to mothers talk about why being a stay-at-home mom was so great, and why would they want to work and entrust their precious children with strangers/daycare/babysitters/etc? (There was a whole other conversation about homeschooling, which I won't get into.)

I know that my parents trusted the care of my brother and me to nannies my entire life because they worked, and they worked hard and I could never, ever resent them for that. I feel like I've grown up being given what I wanted or needed and I suffer no long term issues (and will need no therapy from) being left in the care of other women until when Mom and Dad got home from work every day. Sure I missed them a lot when they were away on business, but it made me cherish the time I was given with them. I loved the family dinners best.

I called Mom after knit night and thanked her for sending me to school and for entrusting other people to help raise me. I guess I feel like I'm a lot more knowledgeable of other cultures after knowing those women from around the world. I can't imagine how my life would be different if I hadn't had their influence.

I don't have kids, but I want them someday. I imagine that I'll want to spend as much time as I can with them, but I hope that I don't hesitate to let others into their lives, be it through schooling or in the home.


I think APO is taking over my life. It's a good thing, though. There's so much going on every day...

Yesterday, there was the Sunday Meeting (which, if you want a Big Bucket of Crazy, is the place to be on Sundays),

Tomorrow there is a movie night and an IM football game,

Thursday I have a flag run practice,

Friday, volunteer work and a pledge retreat,

and Saturday is the football game with the flag run.


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