Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Blog in Fifteen Minutes

Cause that's all I have.

It's officially fall now, and to celebrate, the Texas weather has gone all pear-shaped. Its cold and rainy and yesterday I had to dry my jeans twice (I love those jeans...) rather than change into dry clothes three times. Today, it's rainy a little bit, but it's cold. Now, I love a good cold front... but I appreciate it a lot more if it's when I expect to get it (ahem, not in September) and when I'm prepared with wool. Since it was so ridiculously hot during the summer, I've knitted all of a foot and a half of a sweater, a mitten, and a sock and a half. That is not prepared.

I've gotten my results back from my chemistry test last thursday: 85!

I had a Psychology test yesterday (which I feel went well)... and an assortment of tests coming up for all of my classes in the next few weeks. (English on Monday, Mythology on Wednesday, Politics on Friday... "Test season" has rolled right in with Fall. (I've noticed that Test Season usually last two weeks and only ever occurs once every two months or so.)

My APO schedule for this week looks pretty similar to last week's: Flag practice, a variety of meetings and family nights, and then the game on Saturday. Look for me if you're there!

Well, my fifteen minutes is up. I'm off into the cold weather to walk to my Politics class!

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