Sunday, April 4, 2010

How I wish it was sleepy time

Because I was sick last week, I got myself back onto what I've been calling a "normal, human" sleep schedule. Normal and human here refer to around midnight, which I realize is neither normal nor human for many people. Take my mother, for instance, who turns into a pumpkin at 11pm. (At least when I was in high school she did... I could swear I never saw her awake after then!) But what's kind of funny is that unless I am sick, getting to bed before midnight is unheard of, even unreasonable. My goal is 2am, and that is generally what I achieve. 3am is kinda late... 4am is late, but doable as long as I don't have a string of a bunch of them in a week. When I start doing my homework around 9pm, five or six hours of work is reasonable. The solution would be to start earlier, but where is the fun in that?

But at the moment, because of my alleged human schedule, I am very tired. However, I have a massive stack of flashcards that I have to write and define. This blog is my break for my hands... sort of. I'm still using my hands, except that I'm not holding a pen. I have been told that I hold a pen wrong and that it puts unnecessary stress on my hands, but as I've been writing like that for a while now (15+ years?) I find it hard to write "correctly".

Today was Easter. We had a really yummy lunch at Mom's place - lamb, potatoes, and salad. I baked a cake! It was great to see everyone and hang out a home for a while.

Yesterday, I got to saw one of my favorite families - the Coopers! I babysat for them few years ago and after they moved to New York I've only seen them a handful of times (three? Yeah... three.) Barb gave me some yarn, which I can't wait to knit up - pretty pinks, purple and greens like a garden! I got to hang around, have a few drinks, stuff easter eggs to be hunted today, and chat with them for a few hours before heading over to Dad's to have really great Indian food. Mmm...

I had my first soda for 40 days today. It was delicious, but not great. At least now I can have sodas every once and a while, but I want to limit my intake - something like 1 a day, and keep making iced tea and drinking water like I have been during Lent.

Okay, back to flashcards. I would LIKE to be out of this library by the time it closes, but I don't have high hopes. I have been in here since 7:30 (and it's 11:30 now.) Better study habits: I need them.

This week sees a history test and an English paper.... two sucky things. But this week also sees the Mythbusters on Thursday and John Green (a YA author) on Friday, who are both a LOT less sucky!

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