Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something New

Today feels new, do you know what I mean?

Today, I got a new haircut. One with BANGS. Bangs and I have not been friends during my lifetime. We... aren't necessarily acquainted. Sure, we've had our flings in the past. It looked cute when I was little,

but when I was five I decided that me and bangs have had our thing and I really, really didn't lik them anymore. Mom let me grow them out, and that was that. I never looked back.

I had my hair cut today with my favorite person (a lady named Linda) and she always does wonderful things to my hair. Today, she asked me what I wanted, and I replied: "Something different. Something short."

The result?


I know it's not a lot of bangs, but they're in my eyes and it's weird. And I know that people go around all the time, every day with bangs and they must be tolerable... but it's weird to have things in my eyes. I was trying to read a book, and they got all in my vision. Weeeeeeird!

Every time I look in the mirror, I see a different person. I like that person - she's kind of pretty.

To go with my new bangs, I bought new perfume. And a new belt (but I wanted the belt anyway, not because I need a new belt to be new or anything.)

So there you have it. New me, bangs and everything!


As an aside, Siobhan has been telling me for ages to watch the BBC series of Robin Hood. They have the first two seasons to watch instantly on Netflix, and I'm not kidding - I've watched the entire first season in less than 24 hours... I AM HOOKED.

Later, I'll start the second season! If you have netflix and, uh, 10 or so hours to waste, WATCH IT. And then buy them as a present for your favorite blogger for Christmas next year! :D

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