Sunday, January 24, 2010

Complete: Week 1 of school

So I have successfully completed one week of school. It was stressful, it was challenging (which, in my opinion, doesn't bode well for the rest of the semester. The first week is always a challenge, though!)

I am (more or less) on top of my reading assignments, as you can tell by my planner with all of those crossed-out assignments!

So far, I've made a small dent into this week, which has more assignments (as would be expected.)

Since Friday was not productive at all (RIP Boo! I miss you, my old girl.) and Saturday was even less productive (Four words: Robin Hood, Season Three), I forced myself out of bed at 10:30 and made a pot of coffee and started to read.

I got through my history reading I was supposed to do for Friday and my Art History assignment for tomorrow (we're starting with prehistoric cave paintings and such.) I still have another 10 pages of the Spanish Tragedy to read, and I have another chapter of my US history book to read... but I feel moderately on top of things.

At the moment, I'm trying to build up the steam I need to continue for the rest of the semesters. If I am going to be more open this semester, I may try and post my weekly assignments. I feel like if I make them public, I'll be more likely to follow through with them, do you know what I mean? I need guilt monkeys!

So, meet my clock.

(It's a circle, not a slightly oblong sphere. The angle at which it is hanging just makes it look that way!)

It's been my clock for ages! It's been hanging in my bedroom for years, a gift from my lovely Gramma. I packed it in one of the boxes to go to my apartment (I know I did!) when I packed it way back when, in the fall, when I packed up my room to go into storage. When I got to my apartment, however, I couldn't find it in any of the boxes I knew I'd brought over! I gave up on it, and figured I had accidentally put it into a box that went into storage.

Well, I found it yesterday! It turns out, it went into one of my yarn bins, the one that goes under my bed (also the one I never look into!) I was looking for a sewing kit and thought there might be one in there, but as it turns out there wasn't one... but there was the clock! I gave it a fresh battery and hung it up on my wall.

I still love the clock, Gramma. I love that it has my name on it, and it can be nobody else's clock!

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