Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mucus Monsters, Inc.

The last week, I've been Mucus Monsters, Inc. I've been coughing, coughing, coughing... and I've been sneezing, sneezing, sneezing. This weekend has been absolutely miserable - full of almost two entire boxes of tissues and watery eyes - and yes, I'd like a cup of honey with a splash of tea, thanks.

Mom asked me to look after the house on Saturday night, and so Saturday afternoon I made my way there, tissues and pajamas in hand, and after a long, leisurely bath (that unfortunately wasn't hot enough - baths never stay at that painfully searing heat for long enough, do they?) that helped clear my sinuses a little, I fell into bed at 8:30 and slept straight through to 10:30am. (except for a brief bout of wakefulness to usher the dogs outside around 8am, and I would have slept through that if they hadn't been barking so loudly!) After acquiring caffeine in the form of tea and getting out of my pajamas, I gave my car a bath, gave my mom a hug, and went home. I've gone from feeling about 50% human (and 50% mucus producing monster, rather like the Mucinex commercial monsters.)(Also, taking a look at those monsters, the resemblance I share to the female one amuses me: big boobs and blonde hair, indeed!) to feeling something closer to 80% tonight. My nose has stopped channeling the ghost of a faucet or waterfall and the infection has moved back into my lungs like I told it to yesterday. Now I have no voice and my throat hurts, but at least I don't feel like a sodden washcloth.

In other news, I've gone on a diet again in the hopes that I can rid myself of a few more pounds before swimsuit season officially begins. I've just purchased a swimsuit (a BIKINI. LE GASP. But isn't it so pretty?!) and while I am rather pleased with the effect right now, I imagine I could be even more pleased with it after a little more dieting. So diet I will! I will update the blog with my progress, and hopefully won't complain as much to my friends, who really got an earful of it last summer. Maybe I'll get lucky and my boobs will shrink some more! (A girl can dream, right?)

A little glimpse of Emma, because I haven't blogged about her recently.

(She is so cute, isn't she?) It's hard to talk about her these days, because every day she learns so much more. Growth, I realize now, is complex, and becomes exponentially more complex the older we get. We play games, we go to the park (much more fun now that it's getting warmer! Although I am asked by other mothers how old my daughter is almost every time we go...), we watch movies (her favorite right now is Snow White), we color, we climb on things (well, Emma climbs on things and I try to discourage her from climbing everything), and sometimes we throw tantrums (Emma thinks it's funny when I mimic her throwing a tantrum. Heh. That won't last long!)

(As an aside, someone has parked their car outside of my apartment complex and is currently blasting Lady Gaga's latest single. They're having an impromptu dance party, too. I'm pretty sure they're my favorite people of the hour!)

(As a doubly aside, I've just made myself the most delicious cup of tea, which is helping my throat. Siobhan gave me these lovely boxes of Peyton and Byrne tea last summer, and they are so delicious. I'm going to have to restock next time I go to England! Siobhan, you will have to direct me toward the appropriate place to buy the magnificent stuff!)

Thursday nights have been so much fun recently - Ally and I have gone to Central Market to buy ingredients for some kind of dinner and we've had shared a meal together while relaxing a little. We've made blue cheese macaroni and cheese, stuffed shells, chili, garlic bread, and a few other things I forget right now. Since we both love to cook and we both love to experiment, we've been using these nights to try some new recipes. Ally and I are both dieting together, so we should be able to continue this tradition, just with a few more restrictions. I think we're up to the challenge!

If anyone is looking for a sweet, easy read, I recommend the book I read on Thursday (after I read the entirety of Henry V...) called Anna and the French Kiss. It's a book about a girl who, against her will, is shipped off to Paris to attend boarding school for her senior year of high school and her adventures there. Of course there is a dreamy boy, lots of drama amongst her classmates, and a happy ending! Having spent hours fighting to read Henry V for my Shakespeare class, reading this book was a breath of fresh air, and I was finished with it in probably four hours, maybe five. Also, it was a NaNoWriMo novel - and actually seeing a NaNo novel get published and be so well received by everyone who has read it makes me happy and proud of Stephanie Perkins, the author. My NaNo novel, while finished, was utter crap. I have a lot of respect for someone to even consider going back and rereading their own draft, let alone turning it into a real book.

Well, I am off to bed. I'm not quite better yet, and so I think the 12am-hour should probably be my bedtime tonight. Although I'll probably stay up for a while yet and read some of The Giver, which is the first book I have to have read for my Children's Lit class this week. Or play solitaire. I may have to attend some kind of Solitaire Addicts Anonymous group soon.

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