Friday, July 30, 2010


So, the other day I went to my Mom's new place - it's a gorgeous house way out in the country, and it's where I'm temporarily moving all of my stuff to while I'm "homeless" for twelve days. (When one lease is up and the other hasn't started... it's only twelve days.)

While I was there, Mom and Mike had only just moved in and so there were boxes EVERYWHERE. I'm talking EVERYWHERE.

Boxes full of clothes, boxes full of kitchenware, boxes full of boxes... everything. Included in these boxes were boxes full of packing paper.

Mom, being the smart one that she is, knows that I'm moving out of my apartment right now. And after all of the moving she's been up to recently, I am sure she knows and understands better than anyone how important packing paper is to a move.

Mom and I had the following conversation (as I remember it):

Mom: Stef, do you have any packing paper?
Me: No, I don't have any.
Mom: Well, do you want some of ours? We're not using it.
Me: Sure! That's so great, Mom! Thanks a bunch.

We loaded up what I am pretty sure is ALL of the packing paper into the largest suitcase I own (which I am sure I could fit a body inside of it comfortably) and she sent me on my merry way with all of the packing paper I could possibly want.

What I realize now is that she duped me. Here is the same conversation, except what I believe actually happened:

Mom: I need to get rid of this ridiculous stash of packing paper that I have and you're going to be my victim.
Me: What a coincidence, I would love to be your victim.
Mom: That's so great! Here, have all of the packing paper I own and I'll let you deal with it. I hope you have extremely large objects that need packing.
Me: Gee, thanks mom! I'll just take that halfway across Austin for you so you don't have to deal with it.

And as I was driving away, I'm sure that Mom and Mike had this conversation:

Mom: Mike, did you see that? I tricked Steffi into taking all of the spare packing paper!
Mike: Well done, Cara! Imagine if WE'D had to do something with it!

I'm onto you, Mom...

(...And thanks for the packing paper... I'm nearly all finished with it and now I have no idea what to do with the rest!)

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