Friday, June 11, 2010

In Some News

For some reason, I seem to think that my life gets extraordinarily dull during the summer, I forget to blog, and when I remember that things do, indeed, happen to me, I'm usually snuggled in bed with a book and absentmindedly pledge to blog tomorrow. It's like the tomorrow diet, except the blogging version of it.

Stuff has INDEED happened to me!

Stuff like summer school! I'm only taking one class, and I am glad of it! I am taking French (my third of four semesters), and it is requiring a lot of catch up. Not only did I last take French a year ago, I took it at UTSA, which, as it turns out, covered the same material but not nearly as in-depth as they do at UT (which, I guess, is to be expected!) I am catching up, but it is requiring a lot of outside work. I'm doing it, though. Even though the summer warrants a lot of naps.

Last weekend, Dad and Pippa took Duncan, Tom and I to the Hill Country Hyatt, where I blissfully spent two days lying about in the sun and tubing around the lazy river! It was the most relaxed I've been in a long time! I had so much fun spending time with my family, and it was quality time, too. I got a little pink, but not sunburned! I have definitely begun to acquire my Summer Off-White ('Off-White' because it's definitely no suntan). (As an amusing aside, Duncan, Dad and I were hanging around in the hotel room putting sunscreen on and we ended up comparing how white we were. We were all REALLY white on our stomachs and legs... but Duncan definitely won the title of 'most tan'. He tans like a god... not that I'm bitter.)

One night at dinner, Duncan ordered the Chicken Fried Steak, which is one of his favorites. What he got out of the kitchen might be more appropriately as a Chicken Fried State. (His pun, not mine.)

And now, a picture of Emma I took the other day.

She's been sick a lot recently (poor baby!), but she's acts pretty normal, playing, playing the "Bah" game (She points, and I say what it is), and being generally completely adorable. When she is sick, she usually gets really snuggly (which I love) and will go fetch the toy that she wants, turn right around, and plonk her butt into my lap. It is so cute!

While I've been babysitting her recently I've been making my way through their collection of Disney movies. Stuff like Sleeping Beauty (my favorite Disney Princess movie), the Lion King (my favorite 'general' Disney movie), The Little Mermaid (which apparently my favorite movie as a child), Aladdin (For a long time I remember not being able to watch it past the scene where the sand tiger swallows that thief... That was just too scary!) Emma doesn't care much about the movies, but she loves that I sing along to all the songs!

So with all of this World Cup stuff going on (I, um, don't really follow soccer, so I am less excited than some of my friends) a lot of websites that I frequent (such as Youtube) have World Cup-related ads floating around. My favorite has to be this one:

England v USA. It just amuses me...

(In case you're wondering, I'm probably going to support England tomorrow.)

In other news, Blogger has a lot of new blog design themes... so I'm thinking of changing my design soon. We shall see...

In other, other news, Siobhan bought her tickets to Texas! She'll be here for almost three weeks in July! I am still taking suggestions of things that we should do while she is here! (Thanks, Annie for all of your ideas!)

In (the last) other news, I've read 21 books since the beginning of May. My goal is 60 by the time school begins in August. I am also taking suggestions of what I should read!

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