Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear Professor,

Dear Professor,

So I calculated my grade for your class today. In order to fail your class, I have to score in the negative on the exam tomorrow. This considerably brightened my evening while I am sitting amongst my friends who are all diligently cramming for their respective exams tonight as well.

I do, however, have a small issue with something you mentioned in class the other day. We were talking about Jackson Pollock, and the painting Convergence. I don't understand the image, but then again, most of the modern art we have talked about in this section of the class has gone whoosh right over my head. Modern art and I are not really very good friends, not even acquaintances. My relationship with modern art is more along the lines of my relationship with my uncle's aunt's cousin's dentist's ex-girlfriend's college roommate... practically nonexistent. I understand that they are probably a great person (just like it must be great art) but I don't really understand them, or where they're coming from, or what they mean to me.

So anyway, this day in class, you mentioned a certain It was also in the class notes for that day. Being the diligent student that I am, I of course visited the website so that I might better understand the material.

As you can see, I got a wee bit distracted. Just thought you should know.


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