Friday, October 15, 2010

Where I've Been

Where have I been?

Well, ACL happened last week. And that was pretty awesome. (Best ACL that I've been to! Full album of my photos of the weekend is up on my facebook!)

And this week was APO's semesterly blood drive, so I donated some of that.

And I've been baking some cakes. (And then those cakes aren't turning out well, so I've been making cake balls from those cakes.) (Lots of birthdays this week!)

And I've been running a lot. And looking after Emma a lot. These days, she is chattering a lot (she's learning to string words together to make sentences!) and is coming up on her terrible twos. I had to carry her into the kitchen kicking and screaming the other day, which was a new one for me.

Also, because it's fall (it looks like fall, feels like fall, sounds like fall, smells like fall) I've been making delicious apple butter that I have been eating on EVERYTHING. Honestly, some days I feel like everything I eat is merely a vessel with which I can eat more apple butter.

It's just so. delicious.

Officially halfway through the semester! :)

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