Saturday, July 9, 2011

Greetings from England!

Oh, hello! I see you there! Were you lurking under the desk?

Now that you're here, come on in! It's cozy in here, and here, have a cup of tea!

I've been hanging around London for a few days, just chillin' (like a villain!) and enjoying myself while I adjust to the time difference. I'd say I'm more or less adjusted right now, because I've stopped being totally confused every time I wake up!

I spent time with Siobhan at her lovely house in Morden (or as we joke: Mordor! No volcanoes or possessed jewelry around there, though!).

Morden is about two or so miles from Wimbledon. One evening this week we walked to the Starbucks in Wimbledon (to do things that only Siobhan and I would ever do: discuss, write, and edit fanfiction!)

We went into London and shopped yesterday. We saw very Londonlike things (like the Royal Academy of Arts, which was just mind-blowingly beautiful)

We saw Clifford Street - I hadn't realized my Mom and Mike had moved to London!

Siobhan and I had a great time. :)

We ate a light lunch at this place she'd found called the Texas Embassy!

Seeing the Texas flag in London just makes me so happy!!

It was pretty decent Tex Mex food, but I really just wanted to go in to see what it was like! People from all over Texas had signed the walls - there was a giant Longhorn on the wall! (Covered by a stupid A&M flag, though!)

Today, Siobhan and her roommate were nice enough to give me a lift to Oxford! It is just so gorgeous here - like living a dream! I hope this never gets old!

(That is my dorm, with the open window!)

And this is the view from my window:

I am living in a dorm room which is - shockingly - larger than both the room I have in my apartment and the one I have at Mom's house! It has everything I could desire - a closet, a little kettle, a mini fridge, and a sink. The bed is pretty comfy, from the moment I found to lie down on it earlier today.

(I've already made two cups of tea.)

After I settled in, at 7 we went to have dinner in the Hall. I was shocked when I went in - it was like entering the Great Hall at Hogwarts... just so incredibly beautiful, with the sun filtering through the stained glass.

We sat at an impeccably laid long table and were served steak, potatoes and peas, and for dessert, little pavlovas!

Most of us went out for a pint at the pub next door after dinner, but we've retired a little early because most everyone arrived this morning and is just dead on their feet! Myself, I'm going to go to bed a little early to read... and then wake up early tomorrow and go explore Oxford!

More soon! Classes begin on Monday, and I can't wait to get started!

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