Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Every once and a while, my iPod brings me to this song.

It is John Mayer's 3x5, which never fails to strike a chord in me. It embodies what I want my life to be someday, as well as what I aspire to every day. Especially these lyrics:

"Didn't have a camera by my side this time, hoping I would see the world through both my eyes. Maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm in the mood to lose my way with words... You'll be with me next time I go outside. No more 3x5's"

John Mayer gets a bad rap sometimes. This song, for me, saves him from ever falling in my esteem. When I hear this song, I think of standing on top of mountains, watching sunrises, sharing it with someone I love with all my heart. I can't imagine a more perfect moment.

For these reasons, I am thinking of changing my blog's title to Three By Five. I haven't always got a camera with me to show you my life, and so I have to resort to words - often inadequate - to convey what I can. I only wish that you can live my life with me soon, but for now you'll have to make do with my words, such as they are.


While you think, let me show you my newest project.

Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook will have already known about this (and those of you who are my mother have already seen this in person), but I have undertaken a Sock Yarn Blanket.

Now, it will not be as grand a project as THE Sock Yarn Blanket, but I hope that it will be a cozy addition to my living room blanket basket. Seriously, nobody let me give this away. It is mine, and it should be mine. (I don't keep a lot of things I knit - I'd rather make other people happy!)

It is slow going-ish, made only less slow going-ish by the fact that I have seven audiobooks to listen to while I knit. I've turned my reading list for my trip to Oxford into a productive time to knit. Now, having knit a few of these squares already (I am up to forty-two and a half squares) I am afraid that I am addicted to these extremely easy mitered squares. I may never stop. This is fair warning.

I am hoping to just keep this by my couch and knit on it as the inspiration strikes. I am thinking I am debating making it 10x14 or 12x16 squares. It will make it a reasonably comfy, cozy blanket. (Also, it will give me an excellent way to rid me of my sock yarn stash so I can make a new stash of it!)

Should anyone feel like sending sock yarn my way for this project (please do not feel obligated in any way, shape or form to do so!), email me and I will send you my address. I would love to include leftovers from others' lovely socks!

(Fingering or sport weight does not matter to me - I have been using both. I know some of you just cringed, while others cocked their head to one side.)

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