Monday, November 29, 2010

Review Schedule Time!

It's that time again! The last three weeks of school! My goal is (quite literally) to survive this week, and then it's pretty much smooth sailing from here on out. I have a ridiculous amount of reading to catch up on, 3 papers to write and 7 exams to sit (including one this afternoon. Boo.)

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! I had a great time with my family - we had a small lunch on Thursday and then a larger shindig on Friday. A 24.5 pound turkey for 14 people and dinner out in the barn was a lot of fun!

Last night when Lizz and I were both home at the same time (shock!) we cleaned and started to decorate for Christmas. She brought a bunch of lights from her house, which we spent some time hanging last night.

Wish I had time to blog in more detail. Instead I should probably go make myself lunch and get reading.

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