Friday, April 27, 2007

Time... or lack thereof

It's officially crunch time for the musical. There are seven days (-creepy voice- seven days....) until opening night of the musical. AHH. Considering I've been in rehearsal every day for the last two weeks, I'm thoroughly exhausted. All next week is tech rehearsals, starting tomorrow. -gack- My voice is failing me and I plan on sleeping until 2 tomorrow... when rehearsal begins. Yay.

-Proud- I got stung by a bee two days ago and I DIDN'T CRY. GO ME!

AND... I finished working on Newspaper 5. Again. The H drive crashed at school (and Y drive, for tha matter... H holds all the normal student's files and stuff, and Y is only for the Desktop Publishing students.) So we lost the Fifth newspaper (which we were going to send out the day that the drive crashed... Grrr...) So we all had to rewrite our articles and I had to re-place it all. (Placing is putting it together). So I finished that yesterday and essentially have the rest of the semester to relax.

Haha, we'll see if it turns out that way, anyway...

That's all for now. Class is going to end soon.

Au revoir, bloggy!

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